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Lockeport NS Field Survey Results

This map was produced for the NSCC Applied Geomatics Research Group using ArcGIS 10.4.1 for desktop. The purpose of this map is to display the locations of  AGRG's boat-based ground truth survey points and in-situ survey equipment deployed in Lockeport in 2017.  This map is used in reports, presentations and other project materials. Additionally, the task was to use GIS to spatially link underwater GoPro images captured during the survey to their corresponding GPS points. This allows the map reader to visually interpret the distribution and location of the points, as well as the bottom imagery recorded during the survey.


Data were acquired in the field by several AGRG researchers in 2017 using a Leica GS14 system. In addition to the GPS equipment, two ADCP's (acoustic dopper current profilers) were deployed in both a shallow and deep area of the study area for approximately one month. This was to provide additional information surrounding waves and currents. GoPros were deployed, coinciding with each GPS point to record bottom type/vegetation. Once GPS data were acquired, processed and stored in a readable GIS file, the file was imported into Microsoft Excel as a DBF (database file).


Excel was used to spatially link photos to their respective points. A new field was added to the Excel table to contain a coded string for each GPS point. This coded string was used to link each spatial point to its underwater photo via the photo’s folder directory. The Excel file was imported into ArcMap and exported as a new shape file. Using the ArcGIS HTML pop up extension, it became possible to click on a GPS point and have the photo and corresponding attributes pop up. Fields were also added to this shape file to store vegetation percentage values and water clarity observed at the time of the survey. 


For a PDF of this map, or any additional questions about this project, please contact me directly at

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