Ariel Vallis
GIS Technician
Annapolis Royal NS Water System Atlas
This atlas was produced for LandInfo Technologies Inc. using QGIS v3.4. QGIS is a free, open-source desktop GIS application.
The purpose of this atlas is to display the municipal owned infrastructure assets of the Town of Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. The asset classes included in this atlas are stormwater, water supply, and wastewater networks. Other data include orthophotos, property parcels, civic addressing, municipal boundary, as well as road centrelines and water features.
Infrastructure data were provided to LandInfo by the Town of Annapolis Royal. It was downloaded, projected to the correct coordinate system and joined to the AIMSOIR attribute table. AIMSOIR is an open-source spreadsheet-based reporting tool used to manage and monitor the state of municipal owned assets. Once data were joined to the table, it was important to ensure that the municipality ID, infrastructure feature code, and condition field, among other fields, were populated accurately and up to date. This ensures data are consistent for the state of infrastructure reports and risk assessments completed by LandInfo.
Data were compiled and added to a unique geodatabase for Annapolis Royal. The database, paths, symbology and labels were all processed in a consistent format to meet the needs of LandInfo. An 11x17 layout was created using the QGIS Layout Manager, and an atlas was produced. This atlas will be printed and distributed to the Town. Town staff and public works department staff may use the atlas and note any changes before the atlas is revised and printed in final copy. The final atlas and QGIS project will be used by the municipality in a workshop to support Atlantic municipal infrastructure management and planning decisions. Annapolis Royal is one of 14 NS municipalities involved in this program.
For a PDF of this atlas, or any additional questions about this project, please contact me directly at