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Applied Geomatics Research Group Topo-Bathymetric Lidar for Coastal Research in Maritime Canada (Poster)

This large, poster sized map was produced for the NSCC Applied Geomatics Research Group using ArcGIS v10.5. The purpose of the poster is to display the locations of the 39 topographic-bathymetric lidar surveys (and some of the derived results) completed by the AGRG in the Maritimes between 2014-2017.


The keymap shows the location and distribution of each of the lidar surveys and the year they were completed. In addition to collecting seamless land-sea bathymetry throughout these surveys, other derived products shown on this poster include depth normalized lidar intensity maps, co-aligned RGB orthophotos, and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) maps, produced by researchers at the AGRG.


All of the maps were created individually in ArcGIS using the data provided, and added to a layout, also created in ArcGIS. The map was edited and proofed several times before undergoing a final plot. It is currently on display at the NSCC located in Middleton, NS.


For a PDF of this poster, or any additional questions about this project, please contact me directly at

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